Friday, July 18, 2008

003 Walkies

So you know how I wanted to go for a walk yesterday? Well, I must have mind control because we certainly did go for a walk. It was soooo hot out. Mom and Dad kept talking about moving to Richmond or staying here. What about all my friends here?! And the dog park??

Mom says we can find a park down there too. But it won't be the same!!! :(

I guess those guys look nice..


Well we did the neighborhood walk. Mom kept having me do stupid things like sit when she stopped and had me stay. She says it's to get ready for that obedience stuff.

I must say, I have a great down/stay

Guess where my good looks come from.

I don't even look like a dog in this one!

My chest looks like a freaking barrel!

Because my mom doesn't want me to have guy dog friends or something!!!
Come oooon FLOWERS?!@$#?

Ok, ok, yeesh!

Try Frosted Flakes! They're Grrrrrrrreat! Ha ha.

Dad was waaay more interested in the squirrels than I was

Oh! Mom and dad got matching covers for their plates. Mom said it says We love our pit bull. They love me! They REALLY love me! Well I love them too.

And guess who greated us when we got back!

1 comment:

I'm Gabby said...

My mom thinks you are very handsome. She loves your blue coat. I didn't know dogs come in Smurf color :) Vizslas only come in one boring color.
